Environmental Awards

Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards

The Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards (SEAA) is one of the most prestigious environmental awards in Singapore and the region. It recognises overall environmental stewardship by organisations. It is in support of the Sustainable Singapore Movement, which seeks to rally and inspire everyone to do their part and take action towards environmental initiatives.

Since its inception, 136 awards have been given out to organisations of different industries. Companies that are recognised by the SEAA join an elite pool of organisations from the region that have affirmed their commitment to environmental excellence and protection of the natural environment. For more information on SEAA, please visit www.sec.org.sg/seaa.

SEC School Green Awards

The School Green Awards (SGA) is a self-audited voluntary environmental programme. It serves as a platform for students to develop and showcase their environmental efforts, through customised activities which will help them gain a better understanding of the environment.

Every year, submissions come from preschools, primary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges, international schools, schools for students with special needs and institutes of higher learning. SGA also receives submissions from schools overseas. For more information on SGA, please visit www.sec.org.sg/sga.